Become A Sponsor

North Carolina Chapter Sponsorship Program

Showcase your products and services to providers throughout the state of North Carolina. NC HIMSS works to shape the healthcare industry through encouraging the use of technology and promoting public policies that will improve healthcare delivery.

The North Carolina Chapt­er of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (NC HIMSS) is a volunteer organization whose primary goals are to develop educational and regional networking programs and provide statewide leadership for the advancement and management of healthcare information and technology.

The North Carolina Chapter is a diverse group of 1,700+ healthcare IT professionals from across the state. Chapter members work at hospitals, corporate health systems, consulting firms, vendor organizations, universities, and a wide variety of other organizations. Our members range from senior executives to analysts and students, so sponsorship provides you with exposure to high-level decision makers throughout the state. We have both technical members as well as clinical members.

There are various forms of sponsorship for our events with increased benefits as the value of sponsorship increases. Your sponsorship helps NC HIMSS offer valuable educational programming at a very affordable price and will benefit your business through exposure to our session attendees. NC HIMSS is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization.

Complete our sponsorship form or contact McRay Simmons or Greg Foster for more information.

Our Membership Includes:

CIOs / CMIOs / CTOs / COOs / CEOs

Presidents & Vice Presidents

Director & Senior Level Positions



Mission: To lead change in the healthcare information and management systems field through knowledge sharing, advocacy, collaboration, innovation and community affiliations.

Vision: Advancing the best use of information and management systems for the betterment of human health.

Values: We value an organized exchange of experiences among a diverse membership. We promote personal and professional growth. We are committed to the highest standards of professional conduct. We add value to our organizations and industry with improved performance, quality and innovation.

Educational Programs

Our educational programs are designed to share expert knowledge and to facilitate networking among our members. We regularly communicate with our members to offer additional exposure to your organization.  During a typical year, we offer networking and educational events, including our Winter Dinner and Annual Conference. This year we are also piloting regional workshops.

Compare our Annual Sponsor Levels

Premier 5 Available
  • Conference breakout session with approved
  • Introduce session presenter
  • Guaranteed spot for one webinar or email blast
  • All Corporate and Partner Sponsor benefits
Become a Sponsor
  • Table-top at Annual Conference
  • Comp passes to Annual Conference,
    Winter Dinner and golf event
  • Company logo & description on
    NCHIMSS website
  • Verbal acknowledgment at events
  • Sponsor recognition and signage at all
    chapter events
Become a Sponsor

Conference Sponsorship Opportunities (if held in person)

Special Event
Limit 1 per Conference
4 Annual Conference Passes
4 Dinner Event Passes
4 Golf Event Passes
Table signage during special event
Tabletop space, including 2 chairs and electricity
Provide a 5-minute introduction of company at the event
PowerPoint marketing slide to be shown throughout the conference
Recognition and signage at conference and special event
Contact information, logo, and link on NC HIMSS conference website
Name Badge
Limit 1 per Conference
4 Annual Conference Passes
2 Dinner Event Passes
2 Golf Event Passes
Logo on name badge and/or lanyard distributed at registration to attendees
Recognition and signage at conference
Contact information, logo, and link on NC HIMSS conference website
Conference Bag
Limit 1 per Conference
2 Annual Conference Passes
Logo on conference bag distributed at registration to attendees
Recognition and signage at conference
1 promotional piece included in conference bag
Contact information, logo, and link on NC HIMSS conference website
Limit 3 per Conference
1 Annual Conference Pass
Signage outside sponsored track room
Introduction of each seminar speaker in that track
Contact information, logo, and link on NC HIMSS conference website
Wi-Fi Service
Limit 1 per Conference
1 Annual Conference Pass
Company name used as event wi-fi password
Recognition and signage at conference
Contact information, logo, and link on NC HIMSS conference website